Week # 7: “Smile More!”
Hi Friends,
Welcome Back!
Sounds easy? Not necessarily!
When we get busy we’re less likely to be ‘present in the moment’ and we don’t often think to take the time to engage with the people around us with any warmth…kids, partner, colleagues, manager, store assistants, parking attendant, whoever.
When we forget to make the effort to reach out and be pleasant, we miss out in 2 ways.
Body chemistry
Even if you fake it, smiling for 60 seconds makes your body release serotonin and you begin to feel happy
Smiling strengthens the immune system and lowers blood pressure
Spreading the love
Your smile is a gift and your positive mood can be contagious…pass it on!
What can I try? (This one’s easy)
Proactively look for opportunities. It’s a focused effort at first
Give the ‘gift’. Remind yourself of the positive effect your smile has on others
Fake it (if necessary) 60 seconds is all you need to make the body respond with elevated serotonin and you truly will start to feel your mood lift!
Practice this all week
At the end of this week of experimenting with ‘smiling more!’ you will have completed the 7-Week Challenge and I’m hoping that you’re beginning to feel a difference- Lighter? Happier? More at ease? Seeing the glass more than 1/2 full?
I’d love to know about your experience and am also interested in hearing what else you’d like to work on, so send a note to me at: muffy@muffychurches.com
Power on!